Behaviour PolicyThe Behaviour Management Plan  assists in providing a happy, safe and positive learning environment, which develops students’ positive personal and interpersonal skills and encourages them to know and accept appropriate boundaries. The Chapman Valley Behaviour Management Plan emphasises a whole school approach to pastoral care and behaviour management with an emphasis on Positive Behaviour Support framework.

Student responsibilities include knowing the school rules, being responsible for their actions, treating others respectfully and with courtesy, ensuring that they display good manners and a positive attitude and make a genuine effort to learn and achieve their personal best.

Staff responsibilities include modelling respectful and courteous behaviour, establishing positive teacher-student relationships, providing clear, consistent and achievable standards for behaviour, ensuring good organisation and well planned teaching and learning programs and establishing and maintaining communication structures with parents.

Parent and carers’ responsibilities include ensuring the physical and emotional condition of their child is at an optimum level for effective learning, ensuring that their child is dressed in the school uniform and wears appropriate footwear, developing their child’s respect for the rights and property of others and respect and adherence to the school and bus rules.

School expectations are in place to uphold the rights and responsibilities of students, staff and parents / carers. At Chapman Valley Primary School we have three overarching expectations, which align to our overarching value of kindness. Our three overarching expectations are:

  1. We are kind to others.
  2. We are kind to the environment.
  3. We are kind to ourselves.

We have a behaviour expectation matrix that sets out appropriate behaviour for our school.

Our students choose a focus behaviour from our matrix to focus on for that fortnight. This is displayed outside all classrooms and the front office, as well as being taught in all our classrooms and learning activities. Our students receive kindness raindrops for positive behaviour.