We believe that it is essential for our students to experience what life has to offer outside of the classroom and outside of Chapman Valley. For this reason, we are one of few schools within our region that take our students on regular camps and excursions that are both exciting and educational.

It has long been a tradition that every second year, thanks to generous P&C funding, the Year 3-6 students go on a week long camp. Here the students practise many opportunities to develop leadership, independence and skills unique to their location. 


We encourage our students to develop leadership skills from the moment they first attend our school. These experiences serve to cultivate students that value respect, honesty, kindness and community spirit.

At Chapman Valley Primary, all Year 6 students are promoted to the role of Student Councillor. They attend a number of leadership opportunities throughout the year, including an overnight leadership camp and Young Writer’s Days.

Year 6 students take on a number of responsibilities within their role as student councillors, including hosting end of term assemblies and the end of year presentation evening, as well as running our Breakfast Club and Friday afternoon BEARS (Be A Reading Sensation) club.


Despite our size and location, our school enjoys many opportunities for our students to experience a vast array of sport throughout the year.

Chapman Valley Primary School, together with other small schools, takes part in summer and winter sports carnivals, swimming and athletics carnivals as part of the NCVISSA (Northampton Chapman Valley Inter-School Sports Association). 

In term 3, Chapman Valley and Yuna Primary combine to participate in CHUNA Picnic Sports. This is a day where students compete to determine the NCVISSA interschool athletics teams. It is also a fantastic day where our communities come together for a day of fun and friendly competition.




There are certain events that happen every year at Chapman Valley Primary School.
These include:

BEARS Club Assemblies 2:45pm every second Thursday, parents and community members welcome
ANZAC Day Ceremony Year 6 students lay a wreath on behalf our school at the Northampton morning ANZAC service. We also hold a small school service before or after ANZAC day.
Assemblies Last Thursday of Terms 1, 2 and 3 – or as informed - all parents and community members welcome
Presentation Night and Graduation Ceremony End of Term 4
Chapman Valley Show First or second Saturday in September
Hot Lunches (pies and sausage rolls) Every Friday Terms 2 and 3
Mothers’ Day Morning Tea Friday before Mothers’ Day
Parent / teacher meeting Term 1 and throughout the year as scheduled.
Formal Reports Terms 2 and 4
Swimming Lessons Early February
CHUNABI Swimming
Term 1
NCVISSA Swimming Carnival Term 1
NCVISSA Winter Carnival Term 2
NCVISSA Cross Country Term 3
CHUNABI Picnic Sports Term 3
NCVISSA Athletics Carnival Term 3
NCVISSA Summer Carnival Term 4
Upside Down Christmas Tree Special church service and volunteers thank you morning tea – end of Term 4
Nazareth House Visit Students go to Nazareth house to give gifts and sing Christmas carols to the residents.